8. Sorption of zinc on suspended particles along a salinity
gradient: a laboratory study using illite and suspended matter
from the river Rhine.
The adsorption of zinc on suspended matter from the river
Rhine has been studied. High rates of adsorption were apparent
during the first hours of the experiments, but during the next
few days adsorption kinetics were much slower. The adsorption
could be described by a Freundlich isotherm, indicating
surface heterogeneity. In subsequent experiments, desorption
of previously adsorbed Zn was investigated in solutions of
various salinities. These experiments showed that the largest
desorption effect occurs in the low salinity range (S=0-5). It
was also found that the adsorption reaction is not completely
Our results indicate that desorption of Zn is to be expected
in an estuary due to the presence of a salinity gradient. In
field measurements, however, adsorption of zinc is often
observed. This apparent contradiction is caused by additional
processes that are not taken into account in laboratory
This chapter was published in:
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research. Year 1992, Volume 28,
number 4, pages 285-292.
W.J.M. Hegeman (*), C.H. Van Der Weijden (*), J.J.G.
Zwolsman (**)
(*) Department of Geochemistry
Institute of Earth Sciences
University of Utrecht
P.O. Box 80021
3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands
(**) Delft Hydraulics
P.O. Box 177
2600 MH Delft
The Netherlands
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